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Airforce Air lifting Bag

Airforce Lifting Bag.
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Product Details
Brand: MFC

Air Force X1 Lifting Bag

Air Force X1 bags have been designed to military specifications. The Air Force X1 bag is capable of lifting up to 5 tonnes on its own or 10 tonnes when used as a pair.

The lifting surfaces are extremely strong and durable and it can be inflated over broken glass or other sharp hazards.

The Air Force X1 lifting bag is relatively low pressure which means its soft footprint enables you to lift objects on soft ground such as snow, sand or ice. It exerts a soft force against the load, preventing damage to vulnerable structures.


• Lightweight and easily portable
• Strong and durable
• Exceptionally stable
• Low maintenance costs
• Large lift capacity and height
• Controlled deflation capacity
• Side wall constructed from heavy duty neoprene fabric


• Road traffic incidents
• Lifting objects on soft ground such as snow, sand or ice

• Raising submerged vehicles and small craft

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