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Automatic Fire fighting Branch/Nozzle

Venom Automatic Branch Flow rate.
Coupling type
In stock
Product Details
Brand: Branch Size

Venom Turbomatic: branches; Automatically adjust the flow rate when there are any changes to the water flow, ensuring correct operation.

Hose coupling fitted as standard: BS Instantaneous male alloy. If another type is required please place details in contact page.

Venom Turbomatic 400, Firefighting Nozzle.
Automatically adjusts the flow rate to compensate for pressure fluctuations,
minimising recoil, and maintaining optimum performance.
Low range flow rate in the Venom Turbomatic range with max flow rate of 400LPM.
Adjustable spray: Straight Jet, Shallow angle , Wide angle
Venom Turbomatic 760, Firefighting Nozzle.
Automatically adjusts the flow rate to compensate for pressure fluctuations,
minimising recoil, and maintaining optimum performance.
Mid range flow rate in the Venom Turbomatic range with max flow rate of 760LPM
Adjustable spray: Straight Jet, Shallow angle , Wide angle

Venom Turbomatic 2000, Firefighting Nozzle.
Offers the highest flow rate in the Venom Turbomatic range with max flow rate of 2000LPM.
Automatically adjusts the flow rate to compensate for pressure fluctuations, minimising recoil,
and maintaining optimum performance. Adjustable spray: Straight Jet, Shallow or Wide angle
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